Delivery Ticket Manager

Wow! I finally got the Delivery Ticket Manager (DTM) setup the way I want (now that the label formats are back!) and this will save us lots of time!! Why?

  1. Everything is in one place
  2. The DTM is available from the Pending List
  3. No more opening the Invoice and then the Job for Carton Labels
  4. Partial Shipments
  5. Record of what was shipped included in the Document

The only thing it really lacks is integration with the Shipping Charges from the Invoice if they were used. But, hey, you can’t have it all!

Forum is Up in more than 1 way

Wow! What a crazy week for email!! First, the PS Forum is down for 4 days, so I started a google group to get my daily fix. Then the Forum returned. Then the Forum got upgraded to a web based forum at EFI Email Forums. The old list will eventually be shut down.

For those of you interested in the Google Group, here is the link: Google Group for PrintSmith Users.

I like being able to respond to emails immediately so I know I will miss that. On the other hand, it was tiring to see the same questions being asked over and over again. The only thing I know for certain is that everything changes over time.

I encourage you to check out the new forum and at least give it a try for one month if you haven’t already done so.

Off Topic: Teaching Your Kids to be Entrepreneurs

People keep asking me why I’m not in Las Vegas for the conference..…

There are several reasons, and one of them is that I decided to take my entire family to a conference about Entrepreneurship this August in Nashville (it is also in Los Angeles). Many of you know that we home educate our four children and we want to make sure that they understand that becoming an adult does not mean that you get a job and go to work everyday.

For those of you out there that are interested in starting your own business or would like to get your kids interested in starting their own business, this conference is for you.

Go to RheasEntrepreneurDays

Here is what my wife had to say about what she has learned so far:
“These past two months our family has had the privilege of apprenticing with Rhea after attending her last conference. I have learned so much about becoming an entrepreneur and have gotten to implement most of what us been teaching me week by week. If anyone is thinking about a career change or starting a business, this conference is a must! So many speakers, too many ideas!”

(Our business will be one of the sponsors and we will be helping to promote the conferences coming in August. Nashville: August 4-6, 2006 & Los Angeles: August 25-27, 2006.)

You will have the opportunity to preview the different speakers in the following weeks through conference calls. This coming Tues. night (May 2nd) is one of my favorite speakers Chris, who teaches stock options. Talk about a guy who just sees things differently.

The one thing Chris teaches that made so much sense is “Don’t start a business until you have an exit strategy.” If you build a business to sell, it’s worth more to your family than if you passed it down to them, especially with our ever changing world.

If anything, just listen in on the conversation Tues. night with your family. How often do your kids get to hear someone with his knowledge speak?

We’ve also started a yahoo group –for families and teens who want to become entrepreneurs